

by rosedeniz September 21, 2011 writing
Thumbnail image for Restart

Why I’m scrapping labels until I can rebuild a blogging voice that I love and can stand behind and share with joy and confidence.

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5 Questions for Makers

by rosedeniz July 3, 2011 art
Thumbnail image for 5 Questions for Makers

Being creative means being savvy, trusting the hands that draw you to create in the first place. You’ll dig deep when you need to. Make something out of nothing, though you never for one second believed it didn’t exist. It already existed in your mind before you ever made it.

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The Bird Sisters: a conversation with Rebecca Rasmussen on writing, running, mothering, and Wisconsin

by rosedeniz June 1, 2011 Art is Dialogue
Thumbnail image for The Bird Sisters: a conversation with Rebecca Rasmussen on writing, running, mothering, and Wisconsin

An Art is Dialogue conversation with author Rebecca Rasmussen on writing, mothering, running, and her fascination with place.

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The Healthy Artist & Writer’s Contract

by rosedeniz May 12, 2011 art
Thumbnail image for The Healthy Artist & Writer’s Contract

A highly personal, totally individual, agreement for guilt-and-stress-free creativity.

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Is creativity healing?

by rosedeniz March 14, 2011 art
Thumbnail image for Is creativity healing?

It’s volatile out there. Eruptions, creative blocks, pain stories. Impasses and detours. Bloggers only as good as their last post. Artists only remembered by their latest body of work. Writers after a successful debut who get a bad case of second-book syndrome. Can creativity heal in the face of disaster?

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With love, and heaven

by rosedeniz March 4, 2011 creativity
Thumbnail image for With love, and heaven

Poets and writers and artists all love to cross-pollinate. Jorie Graham paints to fuel her poetry.The poet Mark McGuinness is best known as a creativity coach and voice behind Lateral Action. This poem, Cennet/Heaven is in honor of my grandmother and Midwestern foodstuffs.

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How art concepts apply to writing

by rosedeniz December 16, 2010 art
Thumbnail image for How art concepts apply to writing

Tweet I remember piling into my intro art and design classes with other sleepy-eyed freshmen to learn how to draw, paint, and critique. We were taught how to see and to talk about a piece objectively, not just what we liked or disliked. We talked about craft and attention to detail. When it came to subjectivity, we […]

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Hello, Creative Block!

by rosedeniz December 1, 2010 creativity
Thumbnail image for Hello, Creative Block!

Tweet It started off innocently enough. A day or two of procrastination. Then stuff came up. And then more stuff. And then someone asked me about my book, and all of a sudden, I felt like a writer-impersonator. It happens that fast, I marveled. While the writer world tapped to the NaNoWriMo beat this past […]

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Essential words & Quiet drawings

by rosedeniz November 12, 2010 art
Thumbnail image for Essential words & Quiet drawings

Tweet Paintings take up wall and storage space. Image files, as I discovered this week haunting my backup files, take up vast amounts of virtual space. Years of making paintings, illustrations, and drawings, and I have thousands of images stored.  Originals. Duplicates. Different scales and formats. I’m aware of the outpouring of images I have to share vs. […]

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