
Embroidery Coach

by rosedeniz November 16, 2009 art

Tweet Recently added to my book stash was this kitschy craft instruction manual I couldn’t resist mooching, if nothing else than for the title: a 1993 copy of Create Your Own Cross Stitch: How to turn your design ideas into reality. I was curious about this emboldening statement to not let one’s dreams (of cross-stitch) […]

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The non-binary life

by rosedeniz November 5, 2009 art

Tweet When an emerging American artist moves to Turkey and starts a family, she navigates new definitions of career and home life. What does that look like? Come join the discussion on art + domesticity cohabitating at expat+HAREM where I am a guest poster on art, nesting, and being an expatriate.

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Drawing from life

by rosedeniz November 2, 2009 art

Tweet I’ve been fumbling around the idea for awhile that the things we see online get digested so quickly. So I’m posing a little challenge to myself that for an unspecified period of time I draw the things I love and want to share. I’ve started doing this already.  Gretchen Wagoner’s print here, is an […]

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The Working Proof: Gretchen Wagoner

by rosedeniz November 2, 2009 art

Tweet The artist and printmaker Anna Corpron, co-founder of The Working Proof and part of Sub-studio along with Sean Auyeung, emailed me to let me know Gretchen Wagoner‘s print of mating Hera buckmoths is available on TWP’s site. I’ve been a longtime fan of Gretchen Wagoner and am delighted to see her work there. I […]

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by rosedeniz April 26, 2009 art

Tweet This post will be longer than usual, for me, because I couldn’t edit the photos down to just one or two that I liked. This post is also a week late, as the opening was April 16, and today is the 26th. Sometimes my pictures stay on my camera to distill for awhile. I […]

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Group Show in Istanbul

by rosedeniz April 9, 2009 art

Tweet I’m pleased to announce the inclusion of my paintings in my first ever exhibition in Istanbul. “Mixed Show” will be open for viewing from April 16-May 17, 2009 at the Beyoglu Akademililer Sanat Merkezi (Beyoglu Academy Art Center). Please come join me at the opening on Thursday, April 16 from 5pm-9pm. Open daily from […]

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Lace Paintings

by rosedeniz February 16, 2009 art

Tweet Two new paintings to start off the New Year. They are quite small 12″ x 12″ but this fits the intimate scale of the lace off of which I was working. They are titled, respectively, Lace 1 and Lace 2. If they make it by the 28th via PTT Turkish post, they’ll be in […]

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Pantone Spring 09

by rosedeniz September 18, 2008 art

Tweet Look what’s coming, everyone! Seeing as our color tastes are chosen way in advance of the approaching seasons (thanks, Pantone!), I thought I would share two of the upcoming spring color trends, Super Lemon and Palace Blue. Love the lemon, will be saturating my studio in a similar color, and the Palace Blue is […]

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Gretchen Wagoner

by rosedeniz September 17, 2008 art

Tweet Gretchen Wagoner was featured on Design*Sponge today, and I fell in love with her work. Reading her blog was very engaging, too, and seeing her work in progress. These pieces were posted in December 07, but I liked them so much I’m sharing them now. We’ve both got Wisconsin roots, which is why I […]

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