Lovely lists

by rosedeniz

The impulse to organize everything has taken over, so I feel compelled to give a tidy list of my most recently discovered favorite blogs and sites.

print & pattern, with jen lewis illustration shown here.

craving anthropologie, an unapologetic homage to the store bearing the same name, and my own declaration of longing for a sanctuary not found in Turkey.

oh joy, who also posts favorite home accessories, design finds and textiles, but from philadelphia. Thanks to this blog, I was introdroduced to Brocade Home, who has produced a catalog of amazing home decor that I am very eager to receive. Only downside is Brocade Home doesn’t ship catalogs internationally, so I finagled a copy by having it sent to my parents’ house. (oh joy gives a nod to craving anthropologie for the Brocade Home tip, I credit oh joy and so continues the links and discoveries one can only find from a blog.)

decor 8, which gives a thorough review of Amy Butler’s In Stitches, a book I pre-ordered this morning and will have someone I love from the US send or bring to me in Turkey. I also pre-ordered Built by Wendy’s Sew U… it may be months before I get either book, and the wait will be filled with longing.

I must say that I spent an enormous amount of time on Amy Butler’s website, too… I love her detailed photographs, views of her studio, various inspiration and her Sunbloom fabric print.

tarsian & blinkley, who design and produce with talented Afghan women, socially conscious organic clothing. They have a wealth of information on their site, including photographs and biographies on the women they work with.

Last, but not least, the wish jar journal, companion to keri smith’s illustrations and musings. Be sure to look at her list of ideas… perfect for both artist, writer, or designer’s block or an motivated, inspired day.

…. There are many, many more blogs and sites that I love, but they will have to wait for another afternoon, another cup of coffee.

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